Transition to SBL Academy 

Travelling to School

South Gloucestershire Council provides transport to Sir Bernard Lovell Academy for students living in Wick, Doynton and Marshfield. The Transport Section at South Gloucestershire Council (Telephone Number: 01454 863924/25) will inform parents about coach companies and the departure times; you will be contacted by them nearer the time.


Students may ride bicycles to school.  Cyclists are required to dismount at the school gate and walk their bicycle through the site to the bike shed.

If your child is cycling to school please ensure: 

Parents/carers must accept that the school cannot be held responsible for any theft or damage to bicycles. 

Students are expected to ride safely and sensibly to and from school. If students are reported as behaving inappropriately on their bicycles then the school may withdraw the right for your child’s bicycle to come onto the premises. Parents/carers will be contacted with any concerns so that they can take preventative action with their child.