Transition to SBL Academy 

FAQ / Contact us.

You will inevitably have questions about the transition process and the start to secondary school life.  We have addressed some of the most commonly asked questions below and will update these periodically.  If you have an important question that has not yet been addressed, please use the form at the bottom of this page.

My child has additional learning needs.  How can I make sure everything is in place for the start of the school year?

We work closely with our Primary colleagues throughout the school year and have been in regular contact to gather important information for when your child arrives.  You should make sure you have completed the SEND section of the Data Collection Form.  If you need to share further information please contact main reception in the first instance.

When will I find out which tutor group my child has been placed in?

We will inform students and their parents/carers of their new Tutor group and house at the beginning of July.  

Where can I buy school uniform?

Our uniform provider is Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists. 

Parents/carers should go ahead and order their main uniform items early to avoid disappointment.  House ties can be purchased at a later date once Houses are allocated, at the beginning of July.

Click on the uniform tab for more details on our uniform requirements.

How can I best prepare my child for Secondary School?

Moving to secondary school can be a daunting experience for both children and parents.  One of the key ways to prepare your child for transition is to develop their independence skills.  For example, encourage them to pack their own equipment or help them to  manage their own time.  Talk to your child about how they can respond if things do go wrong.  Over the coming months we will post further ideas on this topic to support parents/carers.  

Does the school provide early morning or after school care?

The school building opens at 8am for students, at which time the canteen opens for breakfast.  Under normal circumstances students can use the school library each afternoon until 4.15pm and a variety of enrichment clubs run most afternoons until this time.  We encourage students to take up a range of enrichment opportunities.  There is no charge for these activities as they are provided by our subject specialists.

What should my child do if they are worried or become ill during the school day?

If your child is worried about something, please encourage them to talk to their Form Tutor in the first instance.  If your child feels ill during the school day they should tell their teacher, or find their Deputy Head of House in their House area at break / lunch time.  Parents and carers must ensure that they have provided us with at least two emergency contacts and completed the medical section of the Data Collection Form.