Transition to SBL Academy
Attendance and Punctuality
Excellent attendance is one of the most important contributing factors to overall school success. We expect every student to aim for 97% attendance and look to better this for the majority of students. This means taking no more than 5 full days off during the course of the year wherever possible.
If a child is prevented for any reason from attending school, or is late, parents/carers are required to notify the Attendance Officer at the schools as soon as possible and on each day of each absence.
To report an absence or lateness:
Call 0117 4565900 and select ‘1’ or email
It is expected that parents/carers arrange routine medical appointment outside of the normal day in order to minimize the loss of learning time.
Attendance Procedures
Your child’s tutor will discuss attendance regularly during designated attendance tutor sessions. Where a student has incurred absence during the previous week, this will be discussed with the tutor. Students who experience attendance difficulties will be offered prompt and appropriate support.
If your child’s attendance falls below 95% you may be invited in to discuss this with the Pastoral Team, and possibly the Educational Welfare Officer.
If a student’s attendance drops below 90%, they are considered - by law - a persistent absentee. Whilst the school will always endeavour to work closely with parents/carers regarding the attendance of their child, persistent absence may lead to the Local Authority working with the school to pursue a legal route that could include prosecution and / or a Fixed Penalty Notice.
Where repeated illness is a clear reason for a pattern of absence we will require supporting information (for example repeat prescription information, medical appointment cards or other information from a health professional before absences are authorised.
Holiday in term time
In line with government legislation, the Headteacher will generally not approve holidays in term time. There are specific extenuating circumstances that may be considered and these will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We expect students to be punctual to the school and to lessons. Students must arrive in school by 8.40 a.m. There is a breakfast club available in the school dining room from 8 a.m. every morning.
Arriving late can be unsettling for students and they may miss vital aspects of learning. Persistent lateness will be dealt with in line with the Academy behaviour policy.
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>> Attendance and Punctuality