Transition to SBL Academy
Home Study
Developing Independence Skills
At Sir Bernard Lovell Academy we believe that Home Study has a very important role in helping students to achieve their full potential. Year after year, we see that the students who do the best in external examinations are the ones who have the skills to work and revise effectively at home. Therefore, we look to develop these skills in our students throughout their time here.
Students are expected to manage their Home Study deadlines and receive detentions if they miss more than one deadline in a week. In Year 7, students will get two 20/25 minute Home Study task each evening.
The school library is open every day after school for students to complete home study on site if they wish to use the research facilities or school laptops.
Accessing Home Study Tasks from Home
All Home Study tasks are recorded on MCAS and the student portal so that parents, carers and students can see the work that is to be completed.
Personal Gmail Accounts
In September 2024 your child will be given their own school gmail account/ email address. They will need this to communicate with members of staff outside of lesson time.
Parents and carers are advised to regularly check the internet and social media use of students.