Transition to SBL Academy
The School Day
The school day is divided into five one hour lessons, with four lessons in the morning and one lesson after lunch. Students see their form tutor each morning for twenty minutes, and this allows us to check in with your child’s well-being and help them to prepare for the day.
Students change class rooms each lesson. At the start of the year children will receive a timetable and a map to help them find their way around school. Year 7 students should try not to worry about getting lost. There are members of staff and fellow students on hand to help out.
The times of the school day are as follows:
08.45 - 09.05 Tutor Time
09.05 - 10.05 Lesson 1
10.05 - 11.05 Lesson 2
11.05 - 11.25 Break
11.25 - 12.25 Lesson 3
12.25 - 13.25 Lesson 4
13.25 - 14.05 Lunch
14.05 - 15.05 Lesson 5
The school day ends for students at 3.05 pm. To support the completion of home study students may use the library from 15.05 –16.15 each afternoon.
We offer an impressive range of extra-curricular clubs which take place both at lunch time and after school. These enrichment opportunities cater for a wide range of interests and aspirations. There is no fee for extra-curricular clubs.
Breaks and lunchtimes
No students are allowed off site at morning break. Students should remain on the school site during lunch times unless there are extenuating circumstances. In these cases parents/carers of Year 7 students should make an application for alternative off-site lunch time arrangements addressed to the Transition Team.
>> The School Day