Transition to SBL Academy 

Free School Meals and Pupil Premium Funding

Did you know that registering for Free School Meals brings extra funding that can be used to support your child in various ways? 

Do you qualify for Free School Meals? 

Children are entitled to receive Free School Meals if their parents or carers receive any of these benefits:  

How can I apply?

You can apply for Free School Meals via the South Gloucestershire Citizen Portal.  The link can be found on the Academy website under Free School Meals -  Applying is easy and totally confidential.  

Payment of lunch monies are made by our Tucasi payment system and students access these funds in the canteen via the same biometric finger imaging system used by ALL students.  There are no separate cards or lists identifying a student as ‘Free School Meals’.

Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities, for example school trips, music tuition or course fees (e.g. Duke of Edinburgh Award).  This funding also ensures that all students can access specialist resources such as examination revision guides or compulsory equipment in art or food technology for example.

The key purpose of the funding is to ensure that all children reach their full academic potential and get the best start in life.

Pupil Premium funding and Free School Meals do not affect any other benefits you may be claiming.  

Who is entitled to Pupil Premium Funding? In addition to those currently in receipt of Free School Meals, your child may also benefit from Pupil Premium if you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions below.

Complete the relevant section of the Data Collection Form to register your child as eligible for Pupil Premium.